Running in the Sun – Reset [18 Weeks]

Posted: 06/18/2011 in Running
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I Pulled a Muscle

The training schedule I was keeping was a bit ambitious… actually it was considerably over ambitious. About two weeks ago I pulled my gracilis or adductor magnus and I tried running on it for another week or so. Not a good idea.

Taking a step back I am rethinking my training schedule and beginning an 18-week training program this Monday.  I am training for the Mt. Lemmon marathon, but I am sure there are other marathons nearby if you want to train for another. If you decide to join in with the fun, let me know.

You will also notice that the distances and the intensity are lower than before.

Week 1* (18 Weeks to Go):

Rest 3 mi Run 3 mi Run 3 mi Run Rest Cross 6 mi Run

*This plan is taken from; if you need a site for training workouts, it’s where I turn.

  1. That race looks brutal! Kudos to you for training for it! Was just wondering what you do for cross-training?

  2. mgmstudious says:

    I think I am going to focus on swimming. Although I am going to have to do some biking in there if I am going to be ready for a tri this fall.

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